False allegations of abuse have become an international epidemic in the family court system.
Whether a false allegation of abuse is made maliciously, or if the false allegation is made out of genuine concern for the welfare
of a child, the result is generally the same for the accused.
In divorce cases, allegations of abuse can come about in a variety of ways. Making an
accusation of child abuse has been described as the perfect weapon in the family court. According to
forensic consultant and foremost authority in child abuse, Dean Tong, it is the "ultimate weapon." According to
Anne P. Mitchell, a defense attorney in San Jose, California,"it's simple, fast, and
guaranteed to achieve the desired result." To learn more, read the
article A System
Out of Control: The Epidemic of False Allegations of Child Abuse.
The following resources below provide information and services to parents struggling with false allegations of abuse. More and more services are being offered to help stop false sexual allegations in custody battles and other forms of false allegations that are being used maliciously as an attempt to rest custody of a child in the context of a custody battle.
Parents and others who have been unjustly or falsely accused may be struggling with issues such as false child abuse allegations, false allegations of child neglect, false allegations of sexual abuse, false allegations of physical abuse, false allegations of emotional abuse, false allegations of mental abuse, false allegations of emotional abuse, false allegations of parental alienation syndrome, and more.
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False Allegations of Abuse Resources
Dean Tong, (Tampa, Florida),
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Where the Ultimate Weapon is One Accusation Away!
Dean Tong is an internationally known family rights and forensic consultant on child abuse, domestic violence, and child custody cases.
To Learn More about Dean Tong click here.
Dean Tong's web site, Abuse-Excuse.com, has been referenced and quoted as part of an
Anthology (pp. 41 - 44) in a brand new book (Sept. 2007) titled Child Abuse:
Current Controversies, authored by Lucinda Almond and published by Thomson Gale. Dean Tong is a leading authority in the field of child abuse, and as such, a collection of his selected work has been included in Child Abuse: Current Controversies. For a synopsis and review of this book, click here. Child Abuse: Current Controversies is an excellent resource for students, parents, and educators seeking highly-respected opinion from leading authorities in the filed of child abuse. This unique compilation and series of selected work is an excellent approach to educate and captivate the reader. Additionally, the reader will find periodical bibliographies and a helpful list of supporting organizations for reference.
Cowling Investigations, Inc., (Brandon, Mississippi),
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Cowling Investigations, Inc., Defending False Allegations
Private investigator, with more than 37 years experience, specializes in preparing a defense strategy for the falsely accused, assisting in reversing wrongful convictions and in legal malpractice issues for clients, worldwide.
Armin A. Brott, (Berkely, California),
( .html )
A System Out of Control:
The Epidemic of False Allegations of Child Abuse
The rise of false allegations of abuse in the context of divorce.
How can you help stop false sexual allegations in custody battles or other false allegations of abuse tactics in custody battles? Unfortunately, there are not many ways in which you can stop a person from making a false allegation against you. Once the allegation is made regardless of the merit you may be placed on the defensive. Therefore it benefits you to be ready to defend against a false allegation even if you view it as frivolous and/or ridiculous. False allegations of abuse should not be taken lightly.
More and more falsely accused individuals are fighting back against their accuser by pursuing civil causes of action such as sanctions, abuse of process, and malicious prosecution against their accuser. If you are being falsely accused of abuse in the context of a child custody battle or have been falsely accused and are interested in exploring legal causes of action you may be able to take you would be wise to consult an attorney to help you learn where you stand legally on the matter and learn what your legal options are and how you can legally protect yourself and your children.
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