Child Custody Coach® was developed to help divorcing parents with children find the help they need and find the best approach for their situation to come up with a parenting plan that is in the best interest of their children. "How to Win Child Custody" is a phrase that has taken on many meanings. Unfortunately, misguided parents often believe "winning child custody" means having the child live with them all the time and not see (or rarely see) the other parent.
Child Custody Coach® believes "winning child custody" is about finding a parenting arrangement after divorce that reflects the overall best interest of the children. This means focusing on the quality (not the quantity) of the time the child spends with each parent so the child can flourish after divorce and enjoy the best relationship possible with each parent. When divorcing parents are able to reach an agreement that reflects the overall best interest of their children (preferably together or out-of-court through an alternative dispute resolution option such as mediation) their children will ultimately benefit from their parents cooperation and this is what is meant by a "winning child custody" case.
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